Monday, 20 April 2009

Obligatory screenshot

Now that duim + the GTK back end is at least starting with no panics I figured it was time to upload a screenshot.

There are still a bunch of issues outstanding; some of the tests blow out because they're being passed vectors when they expect lists (this needs a thorough review through all the code, still...); the layout doesn't behave well (since layout is still outstanding on the opendylan duim todo list I believe this is fundamental to the GTK back end as it currently stands, and nothing to do with the port); there are no colours (also an opendylan todo) or fonts; plus lots of other things. At least something that looks right is appearing on screen now.

The reason for the display not showing the 'simple gadgets' previously was that the event handlers that were created were not returning the correct value to cause the event to be propagated to other 'interested parties' (namely the GTK widgets themselves). I also set the GtkFixed that's used as the top-level-layout so that it creates its own X window (gtk_fixed_set_has_window ()), although I need to test the behaviour without doing that and remove that step if it doesn't actually achieve anything.

Next steps: continue working so that all the tests at least run without throwing to the debugger (mainly sorting out list/sequence/vector issues, finally). Look @ colours (black and 'white' is so drab). Fix basic gadget functionality (for example, a button-box of radio buttons doesn't cause all the buttons to be linked; they still all operate independently). + whatever else I think of whilst hacking.

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