I've managed to fix a few of the problems with the graph layouts that were all caused by "d'oh, I'm so dumb" errors:
- the backwards graph-edge layout in the tree-graph-pane (the middle one) were caused by a simple '- rather than +' error in the edge layout code.
- the pixmaps for the control buttons were incorrectly positioned because the medium transform was applied twice (once by draw-image and once by do-copy-pixmap).
There's still (obviously) an issue with the control buttons, which are supposed to look like a box with a + in and a box with a - in depending on whether the button is to expand or contract the adjacent node.
Initially I thought this was to do with incorrect native drawables being associated to mediums but after looking at the code again I'm not so sure. I did manage to come up with what I think is a more elegant solution to the general problem of getting the correct drawable though; instead of squirreling away the sheet that was initially attached to the medium during attach-medium, I instead just find the mirror for the sheet (which the previous attempt did anyway on its way to finding a widget object) and take the drawable of that mirror. It does basically the same thing as yesterday's solution but doesn't require a slot. I can't at the moment imagine a scenario where this won't be acceptable and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't come up with one any time soon.
That leaves a bit of a puzzle with respect to the control buttons though. Using the buttons in the "simple graphics" ui test (for that test's test image) works; the icon is displayed. Using the buttons in the graph layouts doesn't work; GTK "renders" a bunch of random memory onto the screen. This is true even if the simple graphics pane is wrapped in a scroller, so the problem isn't anything to do with scrollers as far as I can tell. I'll just have to keep digging at this and put off some potentially more interesting work to another day.